Friday, January 1, 2016

In a nutshell

 Philosophy #1: First impressions are everything.

Happy first of the year, my fellow Interwebbians! Here's hoping your holidays were full of good memories, good health, and the good Lord, as I know mine certainly were.

It's a happy chance that my first blog post in many years would land on the first day of a brand new year, and in keeping with the theme of "new beginnings", it only seems fitting that I should introduce myself before I allow you to stroll off of the proverbial cliff of Internet wanderings and into my ever so muddled mind. However, introducing yourself to the Internet feels as awkward as trying to make small talk at your grandmother's 70th birthday party with someone whom YOU barely know, but seems to remember you "when you were knee high to a grasshopper!" So forgive my lack of formality but we're gonna get down and dirty and to the point here.

I. I'm a graduate assistant at New Mexico State University, pursuing a masters in ruminant nutrition, and therefore I love to talk about cows. I mean, I really do. A lot. You've been warned. All joking aside, I've been exceptionally blessed to have the opportunity to study that which I am profoundly (or obnoxiously) passionate about.

II. "Desert Rat" stems from my raising in west Texas and south eastern New Mexico on commercial cattle operations. Don't put me anywhere humid. I'll melt.

III. I have a 5 month old Basset hound named Harvey with whom I am wholly and unabashedly obsessed. He's probably cooler than you. I've learned to accept it, you should too.

IV. My mother is relatively blog-world famous. If you've read the lovely Dirt Road Scrapper's blog: that is my dear madre. Before you get too excited, no, I don't possess her quilting, cooking, or photography skills. She kicks my butt on all levels.

V. Though I may be 22, I'm roughly 67 years old on the inside. Which means I love cheesy old movies, Dean Martin, and classic literature. I have a growing collection of vinyl records that range from Marty Robbins to Eric Clapton to Hozier (uh-oh, my inner hipster is showing). My movie collection includes works of Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, and Glenn Ford. Basically, I was born in the wrong decade, but I'm learning to deal.

          I think that gives you a pretty good idea of the writer behind the rambles.

                                  Love one another! -C.

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